International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer

Message from President


 Kemal (Kemo) Hanjalic

  Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and

 Novosibirsk State University, Russia

   January 1st, 2015

Heat and Mass Transfer constitute some of the key phenomena in human activities and in many branches of industries: chemical engineering, energy conversion and power generation, food-processing and pharmaceutics, material processing and metallurgy, transportation and space technology, electronics cooling, bioengineering and biomedical applications, indoor climate,  environmental engineering. Many actual issues in sustainable development and climate-change combat are directly related to problems of heat and mass transfer. However, despite decades of development, the science and engineering of heat and mass transfer is continuously being confronted with ever new challenges in search for new or improved technologies and new applications. Its multiple facets, some still awaiting proper understanding, continue to be in focus of research worldwide. Developments in computer simulations in synergy with highly sophisticated experimental and diagnostics techniques open new frontiers for discoveriesand innovation both in the conventional as well as in emerging technologies. More recently we have been witnessing scale expansion in both directions: towards micro and nano scales where some very new technologies seem in the offing, as well as to mega and giga scales encountered in the atmosphere, oceans, Earth interior and outer space.


For over 45 years, the ICHMT has been striving in its noble mission to provide an apolitical forum for the world's leading scientists and engineers in all branches of heat and mass transfer to pursue excellence and foster the international exchange and cooperation. Its prime activities are the scientific and engineering conferences and symposia, problem-focused meetings, forums, international schools and short courses, as well as publications of proceedings archived in the ICHMT/Begell House Digital Library, all aimed at promoting research, education, exchange of personnel, as well as mutual understanding and good will for the benefit of mankind.


I feel honored and privileged to assume the role of President of the ICHMT in the next four-year period (2015-2019) and see this as an opportunity not only to continue the ICHMT primary mission, but also to expand and respond to new challenges. My thanks are due to all members of the Scientific Council and the Executive Committee for entrusting me with this noble post. 


I also hope that I share views of all officers and bodies of the ICHMT in expressing my sincere appreciation and thanks to the past President Professor Graham de Vahl Davis for his inspiring service to our community. I am looking forward to building upon the legacy of Graham and his predecessors and to further accomplishments, especially in promoting the ICHMT global visibility, expanding its institutional and individual membership, and broadening the scope of the ICHMT events and its digital repository. In these endeavors we shall also aim at building close relations with the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences (AIHTC), International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and other professional associations with common interest, as well as with national and regional Heat and Mass Transfer Societies.