International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer

William Begell Medal

The William Begell Medal, for Excellence in Thermal Science and Engineering (Award) is being established in 2010. The Medal is awarded to an individual, from among those selected to deliver Keynote lectures at the current IHTC Conference, who is held in high regard by the heat transfer community for his/her contributions and excellence in thermal science and technology and whose IHTC Keynote paper is judged to make a profound contribution to the thermal science and engineering literature. The procedure for allocating this award is below:

The Award:
  • One Medal will be awarded every four (4) years, at the recommendation of the Begell Medal Selection Committee. The Medal will be presented at the IHTC Conference at the introduction of the Keynote Lecture so recognized, by the Chair of the Begell Medal Selection Committee or his/her designee.
  • The Award will comprise (1) the Medal, (2) travel and hotel expenses including conference registration fee, and (3) a check in the amount of $5000 from Begell House.
  • Only the scheduled Keynote lecturers at the current IHTC Conference are eligible for consideration for the William Begell Medal. IHTC Steering Committee members and members of the ICHMT Executive Committee and the Begell House Executive Editorial Board members are not eligible for consideration only if they are participating in William Begell Medal Selection Committee.
  • The Begell Medal will be awarded to an individual from among the approximately 35 invited to deliver Keynote lectures at the IHTC and who is held in high regard by the heat transfer community for her/his contributions and excellence in thermal science and engineering.
  • Each Selection Committee member will be asked to review a set of Keynote papers and to determine which among these best reflects a profound contribution to the thermal science and engineering literature.
  • The Keynotes so selected will be reviewed by the full Selection Committee and the Keynote speaker who best epitomizes the Begell Medal criteria will be selected for the Award.
  • The Selection Committee shall comprise three members of the AIHTC Executive Committee and three members of the ICHMT Executive Committee. A 7th person needs to be on the Selection Committee to eliminate a chance for a tie in the selection of awardee.  BH will participate as the 7th person and or will select the 7th person from AIHTC or from ICHMT.
William Begell Medal

Nobuhide Kasagi

Keynote Lecture: "Control of Turbulent Transport: Less Friction and More Heat Transfer"

Jing Liu

Keynote Lecture: "Ways Toward Targeted Freezing or Heating Ablation of Malignant Tumor: Precisely Managing The Heat Delivery Inside Biological System"

Dr. Alexander A. Fedorets and Dr. Leonid A. Dombrovsky

Keynote Lecture: "Self-Assembled Stable Clusters of Droplets Over the Locally Heated Water Surface: Milestones of the Laboratory Study"