12th International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, ICTEA 2019, 23-26 February 2019, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC 2019, 14-17 April 2019, Westin Las Vegas Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas, NV, USA
14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2019, 22-24 July 2019, Wicklow, Ireland
5th International Workshop on Heat/Mass Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, IWTH 2019, 13-16 August 2019, Novosibirsk, Russia
METTI7 Advanced Autumn School Thermal Measurements & Inverse Techniques, 29 September-4 October 2019, Ile de Porquerolles Hyeres, France