✪ Please see Luikov's Scientific History and the Evolution of the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer(ICHMT) presentation by Sadık Kakaç.
✪ The first "Thermal" newsletter has been released.
✪ TUBA-TOBB ETU ENERGY CONFERENCE will be held in TOBB University of Economics and Technology Social Facilities / Saloon 3, Sogutozu, ANKARA, October 22-23, 10:00 AM.
✪ The William Begal Medal is presented to Dr. Alexander A.Fedorets and Dr. Leonid A. Dombrovsky at the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 14, 2018.
✪ The 2018 Nukiyama Memorial Award is presented to Ruzhu WANG at the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, by the Heat Transfer Society of Japan
✪ Join us for a celebration of the distinguished career and contributions of Richard J. Goldstein to his university and to our community on Saturday, October 13th, 2018
✪ Professor M. Pınar Mengüç receives the 2018 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award.
✪ The General Assembly meeting of ICHMT will be held in Beijing, China, on Friday, August 10 2018, 9 - 10:30 AM.
✪ The Scientific Council meeting of ICHMT will be held in Beijing, China, on Friday, August 10 2018, 10:30 - 12 AM.
✪ The Executive Committee meeting of ICHMT will be held in Beijing, China, on Friday, August 10 2018, 1:30 - 4 PM.
✪ The recipients of 2017 Hartnett-Irvine award are the authors of the paper titled "More Insight into Cyclohexanone Oxidation: Jet-Stirred Reactor Experiments and Kinetic Modeling" presented at MCS-17 (Mediterranean Combustion Symposium 2017) by Sebastien Thion, Zeynep Serinyel, Guillaume Dayma, Philippe Dagaut.
✪ Professor Sergey Alekseenko, a member of the Scientific Council of ICHMT, receives Global Energy Prize for contribution to developments in the field of heat power engineering, which allow creating modern energy-saving equipment.
✪ Professor Michel Combarnous, past President of ICHMT, passed away on May 14, 2018. We will miss him dearly. Our condolences to his family and friends.
✪ Professor İsmail Tavman, a member of the Scientific Council of ICHMT, passed away on Thursday, January 26, 2018. We extend our condolences to his family and friends.
✪ ASME Honorary Member, Professor Frank Kreith passed away. We extend our condolences to his family and friends.
✪ Professor Akshai K. Runchal prepared a tribute to Professor Brian Spalding, one of the founding fathers of ICHMT.
✪ The recepients of 2016 Hartnett-Irvine award are the authors of the paper titled "Measurement of three-dimensional microstructure of frost layer by using X-ray computed tomography" presented at the 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer, IFHT 2016, Sendai, Japan. The authors are Tokuma Uechi, Ryosuke Matsumoto, and Kazuma Kagebayashi.
✪ The recepients of 2016 ICHMT Fellowship award are Professors Peter C. Stephan and Yogesh Jaluria.
✪ The recepient of 2016 Luikov Medal is Professor Leonid A. Dombrovsky.
✪ The new Vice Chair of the Executive Committee of ICHMT is Professor Hideo Yoshida.
✪ The terms of service of Professors Neima Brauner, Paolo di Marco, Patrick Le Quere and Anton Van Steenhoven in the Honors & Awards Committee wil end in 2017. The new members of the Honors & Awards Committee are Professors Pedro Coelho, Leonid A. Dombrovsky, Denis Lemonnier and Terry Simon.
✪ The Executive Committee meeting of ICHMT was held in Napoli, Italy, on May 28, 2017.
✪ The Secretary-General of ICHMT, Professor Faruk Arinc, had an open-heart surgery on May 20, 2017. He is recovering slowly.
✪ You may see photos taken during CHT-17 on the website.
✪ Final program and conference statistics of CHT-17 is now on the website.
✪ Early registration deadline and final payment date for publication in Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-17 is postponed to April 24, 2017.
✪ NSF Support for CHT-17! Besides the ICHMT Grants for young scientists, some funding is available from the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, for travel of American citizens and residents, as well as students studying in USA, for travel to attend the conference. Those who are interested, please apply to the Symposium Chair, Professor Yogesh Jaluria (jaluria@jove.rutgers.edu). The grant would cover the registration fees and a portion of the travel expenses, the total being less than around one thousand US Dollars per person. Priority will be given to students and researchers early in their careers and to minorities and women.
✪ Accommodation and Tour Reservation Forms for CHT-17 is available now. See CHT-17 Website.
✪ See the first announcement and call for papers of the symposium THMT-18, 9th Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer to be held Rio de Janeiro, during 10 - 13 July, 2018.
✪ Professor Shi-Ming Yang, a former Executive Committee as well as the Scientific Council of the ICHMT, passed away on February 4, 2017. We will miss him dearly. Our condolences to his family and friends.
✪ The 7th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-17, will include a special symposium in memory of late Professor Brian Spalding.
✪ Full text of paper due of CHT-17 is postponed to January 20th, 2017.
✪ See the webpage of The 7th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-17 for accommodation information.
✪ Registration is open for The 7th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-17 now!
✪ Please see www.ichmt.org/page/37/scoun for updated 2016 - 2018 Scientific Council
✪ ICHMT Secretariat wishes you all happy and prosperous year!
✪ One of the founding fathers of ICHMT, Professor Brian Spalding passed away. We extend our condolences to his family and friends.
✪ See www.ichmt.org/page/51/felaw for 2015 ICHMT Fellowship Award
✪ See www.ichmt.org/page/41/hia for 2015 Hartnett-Irvine Award
✪ The next Executive Committee meeting of ICHMT will be on Sunday, May 28, 2017, in Napoli, Italy, on the first day of the 7th International Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-17.
✪ We will celebrate 50th anniversary of ICHMT in 2017. We are planning on a special celebration event.
✪ The Executive Committee meeting was held in Krakow, Poland on 22 June 2016 together.
✪ RAD-16 Symposium was held in Cappadocia, Turkey, during 6-10 June 2016. See the website www.ichmt.org/rad-16 for conference statistics, pictures, and other information.
✪ See the first announcement and call for papers of the symposium CHT-17, Advances in Computational Heat Transfer to be held in Napoli, Italy,, during 28 May - 02 June 2017.
✪ ICHMT is co-sponsoring Physical and Chemical Phenomena in Heat Exchanger and Multifunctional Reactor for Sustainable Technology (Eurotherm Seminar 106).
✪ You may now see the Preliminary Program of the symposium RAD-16, The 8th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, to be held in Cappadocia, Turkey, during 6 - 10 June 2016.
✪ See the call papers for 2nd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA during 02-05 April, 2017.
✪ ICHMT is co-sponsoring the conferences TFES and IWHT 2017.
✪ Professor Varaksin, a member of ICHMT's Scientific Council, has two new book publications. See "Other Publications" section.
✪ Professor John R. Thome, a member of the Executive Committee of ICHMT, will be awarded with 2017 Nusselt-Reynolds Prize (http://exhft9.org/NusseltReynoldsPrize.pdf) during ExHFT-9 Conference.
✪ PhD studentship available for UK/EU citizens. See: "www.brighton.ac.uk/advanced-engineering/about-us/vacancies".
✪ The Accommodation Form to reserve a room at the conference hotel and the Airport Transfer Form to reach to the conference hotel of RAD-16 symposium in Cappadocia, Turkey, is now on the Web site, www.ichmt.org/rad-16.
✪ We are all fine and it is business as usual for the ICHMT Secretariat despite the recent terrorist attacks in Ankara. We thank you for your kind emails.
✪ ICHMT is co-sponsoring the conference, ICFD 2016, in Sendai Japan. Please see the co-sponsored meetings section.
✪ Date of the next Executive Committee meeting of ICHMT, in Krakow, Poland, has been changed and it will be on Wednesday June 22, 2016.
✪ See the announcement for 1st Workshop on Advances in CFD and MD modelling of Interface Dynamics in Capillary Two-Phase Flows (October 3-7, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland)
✪ The symposium HMTNS-16, Heat and Mass Transfer in Nuclear Safety Applications: Severe Accident, Environment Contamination, Waste Storage is postponed to a later year.
✪ See the first announcement and call papers for The 10th AIGE 2016 Conference and the 1st AIGE/IIETA International Conference on "Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems", to be held in Napoli, Italy, during 9 - 10 June 2016.
✪ PhD vacancy on "Contactless and contactful boiling of controlled evaporation".
✪ Chairs of ICHMT meetings organized or co-sponsored in 2015 have been invited to nominate papers for 2015 Hartnett-Irvine Award.
✪ See the second announcement and call for papers of the symposium RAD-16, The 8th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, to be held in Cappadocia, Turkey, during 6 - 10 June 2016.
✪ Professor Renato M. Cotta has assumed office on January 1st 2016 as the new Vice Chair of the Executive Committee of ICHMT.
✪ Professors Graham de Vahl Davis and Dimos Poulikakos have assumed office on January 1st 2016 as new members of the Honors and Awards Committee.
✪ ICHMT Secretariat wishes you all happy and prosperous year!
✪ See the call for pre-nominations for the Nusselt-Reynolds Prize.
✪ The next Executive Committee meeting of ICHMT will be on Saturday, June 18, 2016, in Krakow, Poland, a day before the start of the 7th European Thermal Sciences Conference.
✪ Professor Renato M. Cotta has been nominated to be the President of the National Commissariat of Nuclear Energy (CNEN) of Brazil. He will assume office on Monday, 23 November 2015. Congratulations and our best wishes to him.
✪ See the first announcement and call for papers of the symposium HMTNS-16, Heat and Mass Transfer in Nuclear Safety Applications: Severe Accident, Environment Contamination, Waste Storage to be held in Antibes - Juan les Pins, France, during 25 - 28 October, 2016.
✪ Elsevier has issued calls for nominations for Poynting Award 2016 and 2015-2016 Raymond Viskanta Awards.
✪ Article 14.1 of the statues of ICHMT has been revised. The election period of Scientific Council is now two years instead of four years.
✪ See the link for 2016 Short Courses on Multiphase Flow 2016 in Zurich.
✪ The call for nominations for the Nukiyama Memorial Award 2016 is open. Please see the attached file.
✪ Professor Jacques Padet has been elected as the Vice President of ICHMT.
✪ The last Executive Committee meeting of ICHMT was held in Sarajevo on Monday, September 14, 2015 with this agenda.
✪ Renato M. Cotta was elected as the Vice Chair of the Executive Committee. He will assume office on 1st of January 2016.
✪ The recipient of 2014 Luikov Medal is Professor Sadik Kakaç. The medal is awarded to Prof. Kakaç for his outstanding contributions to the science and art of heat and mass transfer and for activities in international scientific cooperation in conjunction with ICHMT programs.
✪ The recipient of 2014 ICHMT Fellowship Award is Professor Denis Lemonnier in recognition of his administrative and organizational services provided to the Centre.
✪ See www.ichmt.org/page/41/hia for 2014 Hartnett-Irvine Award
✪ Professor Emeritus Nobuhide Kasagi, Vice President of ICHMT, passed away on July 29, 2015. We will miss him dearly. Our condolences to his family and friends.
✪ The Honors of Awards Committee of ICHMT has two new members: Professors Graham de Vahl Davis and Dimos Poulikakos. They will assume office effective on January 1st, 2016.
✪ ICHMT Assistant, Mr. Burak Gülsaçan, will attend Lecture Series on "Introduction to Measurement Techniques" at Von Karman Institute.
✪ ICHMT website has been renewed!
✪ The Accommodation Form to reserve a room at the conference hotel and the Airport Transfer Form to reach to the conference hotel of RAD-16 symposium in Cappadocia, Turkey, is now on the Web site, www.ichmt.org/rad-16.www.ichmt.org/rad-16.